Inspiring our young royals with a Black-owned baby clothing line

Sir Midas is an online destination for quality clothing for the little ones in your life. As a baby clothing line, we create unique clothing that celebrates those years when newborns transform into young toddlers in the blink of an eye. With baby clothes made to last, you can soak up each moment of that forever kind of love with peace of mind. All while making your shopping experience pleasant and as easy as one, two, hooray! When our customers choose to shop with us, they can trust Sir Midas to provide quality, value, and style. Sir Midas was founded by a mom with the goal of helping modern families navigate the adventure of parenthood and because individual style starts at an early age. However, the real motivation for what we do is to promote Black and Brown excellence and inspire the next generation. Crafted with the culture in mind, our children's clothing line is designed to tell stories. Stories that celebrate a culture symbolize royalty, grace, and luxury with pride. We believe in actively showing the youth images of those who look like them and have excelled despite the adversity. Above all, we want to help build connections to the global Black community and to remind each other that we are descendants of Kings & Queens


Meet the founder

Picolya Robinson is a licensed psychologist and College instructor. But most importantly, she is a mother and a wife. Picolya gave birth to her miracle son after 10 long years of trying. So there is no surprise she wanted to spoil him and enjoy motherhood the best way she could. However, every time she went shopping for her munchkin, she couldn't help but notice there were hardly any Black-owned or Brown-owned children's clothing brands. This sparked her creativity to build her own baby clothing brand. The brand is named after her son, Sir Midas. Midas is a Greek God's name, and it means everything he touched turned to gold.


Our Vision

We dream of growing our influence and clientele beyond the online space and making a name in the retail world. As Sir Midas, grows and expands, our vision is for the brand to be an example of what Black excellence means. Success! Through creative education, we strive to have a positive impact on the community, especially the youth. Thus, we can empower the next generation and ignite the spark in them to dare to dream.


